And what happens next?
Quite simply, the first medical supplies have already arrived (what a outstanding way) and are waiting to be delivered to their destination country in 2021 – Brazil!
With volunteering we get added value all over the world. We can connect German active citizens with foreign Jaycee and achieve a very practical direct benefit according to the slogan “nothingbutnets” and for the plan of action by JCI Rise 2021 around the world!
Remember, dear Jaycees in German! We are going into action to make it happen with positiv work! So do not wait, be a supporting member and write with us this new story! Each ideas could help! Thinks out of the box! Everyone can donate and participate!
Only with you we can create a proper support for JCI, JCI Europe, JCI Germany  Wirtschaftsjunioren Deutschland! Let’s go!
#JCIRise #JCI #notgingbutnets
#GoForTeamJCIpower #RiseWithJCI #RebuildConnectLead